The Seibu Giken company has been involved in developing and manufacturing VOC zeolite rotor concentrators for more than 20 years.
The rotor concentrators are manufactured in Fukuoka Japan. Seibu Giken DST in Spanga Sweden is the contractual partner for all European sales.
Technical and commercial support based in Prague in the Czech Republic:
Contact data:
Ing. Petr Varju
e-mail: Petr.varju@dst-sg.com
mobile: +420 724 032 989
Mr. George Snajdr
e-mail: george.snajdr@dst-sg.com
mobile: +420 776 356 650
Mr. Ivan Chamulak
e-mail: ivan.chamulak@dst-sg.com
mobile: +420 774 822 176
Please visit this Seibu Giken Japan web site section VOC Concentrator Technology: www.seibu-giken.co.jp
Or visit this Seibu Giken America web site section VOC Concentrator Technology: www.sgamerica.com
Seibu Giken DST also provides Heat-wheels.
Contact the head-office in Spånga for technical assistance.
Tel +46 (8) 445 77 20